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8051 Assembly Workflow in macOS

14 February 2019

Intel 8051 is a microcontroller unit developed in 1980s. On the off chance that you are writing Assembly code for this arcane technology, this post will exemplify a workflow on how to code, simulate and embed your program in a AT89S52/51 microchip.



We will be using an Arduino board to act as an ISP programmer. Pretty much any model will do, I will be using an Arduino Nano. Obviously, you will also need the IDE to program the Arduino board first. You could in theory do this with an USBasp, but for the device to support AT89S52 series, you have to update the firmware: which again requires an Arduino, so why not just cut the middle man.


AVRDUDE is a command line utility which will be used to write the generated .hex file in to the ROM of the microchip. You can install it with brew install avrdude. Since the default config file does not support AT89S52, we will use a modified version provided by varun96. It can be downloaded via the Instructables site, or directly here: F40R96CIUSLFZFP.conf. Put this file somewhere accessible, we will later refer to it.


C51ASM is an assembler written by Atmel (which is now called Microchip) for the 8051 architecture, supporting the AT89S52 we are using. However, perhaps because of the acquirement by Microchip, the link for the product http://www.atmel.com/tools/C51ASM.aspx no longer works. Fortunately, by the magic of WayBackMachine, I was able to connect to an archived version and download the executable. Here is the link for the archived webpage, and c51asm_macosx_1-2.zip is the macOS version which can be directly downloaded. Make sure to extract the files in the correct places, perhaps /usr/local/bin and usr/local/include.

8051 emulator

Jari Komppa’s 8051 emulator is a simple emulator which you can run in the Terminal since the UI is based on ncurses. The pre-built OSX Intel binary version worked fine for me. It achieves faster than real-time simulations which are great for simulating code such as a blinking LED etc…


Let us try to simulate this basic code, which sums decimal 3 and 4 and stores the result in the A(or ACC) register of the chip.

    MOV A, #3
    MOV R2, #4
    ADD A, R2

First we have to assemble the code. Assuming that the file name is sum.asm:

~$ c51asm sum.asm
C51ASM: advanced C51 macro assembler Version 1.2 (06 May 2011)
Copyright (C) 2011 Atmel Corp.

Pass 1 completed with no warnings and no errors

Pass 2 completed with no warnings and no errors

Segment usage:
   Code      :      5 bytes
   Data      :      0 bytes
   Idata     :      0 bytes
   Edata     :      0 bytes
   Fdata     :      0 bytes
   Xdata     :      0 bytes
   Bit       :      0 bits

   Register banks used: ---

   Warnings: 0
   Errors:   0

The assembler ran without any errors, and generated the file sum.hex which we will use to simulate the code. When you run the 8051 emulator you have downloaded, you will be presented with a screen like this:

Emulator start.

You can load the generated .hex file by pressing L and entering the file name (sum.hex in our case).

Emulator load file.

Now the emulator will show the assembly code on the bottom left, and the real-time values of various registers and memory elements. Since we do not want to simulate this code in real-time, we can simply press SPACE to step the simulation. We can see the assembly code executed and the results:

Emulator assembly code.
Emulator registers.

To run a simulation in real-time (or faster), you have to press R and adjust the simulation speed with +- keys.

This code won’t be of much use when embedded in the microchip. Let us simulate another code, designed to blink a LED.

; LED blinker.
; total period = ((256 * 24 * PER) / 12000) milliseconds
; = 0.5 * PER milliseconds
; on-time = 0.25 * PER

        ORG 0H
        EQU PER EQU 2

        ACALL   DELAY
        ACALL   OFF
        ACALL   DELAY
        AJMP    MAIN

ON:     SETB    P1.0

OFF:    CLR     P1.0

DELAY:  MOV     R0, #PER ; generate delay, for 0.5 * PER ms
        MOV     R1, #0

        DJNZ    R0, LOOP


As before, run as31 blink.asm, and load the .hex file to the emulator. Satisfied with the simulation, we can finally embed the program to the AT89S52.


First, we will have to configure the Arduino board to act as the ISP programmer. To do this, open the Arduino IDE. Then open File>Examples>ArduinoISP. This is the sketch we will be uploading to the Arduino, but first, uncomment the line #define USE_OLD_STYLE_WIRING(You can alternatively use the ICSP headers, but I have found this to be less problematic.) Go on and click Upload and program the Arduino.


Now that we have configured the Arduino board, we have to make the necessary connections. Before interconnecting the two chips, first put a 10 \mu F capacitor between the RST pin and GND of the Arduino board. This prevents the auto-reset function interfering with the programming we are about to do. After that, the AT8952 chip requires a crystal oscillator and some capacitors to function. This schematic from ernstc.dk shows the basic idea:

Programming At89s5x.

After this, you have to wire the Arduino to the AT89S52. The ArduinoISP sketch that we have uploaded has configured the pins 10 as RESET, 11 as MISO, 12 as MOSI and 13 as SCK. This means that the connections are:

Arduino Pin AT89S52 Pin
D10 (RESET) 9 (RST)
D11 (MISO) 6 (MOSI) (P1.5)
D12 (MOSI) 7 (MISO) (P1.6)
D13 (SCK) 8 (SCK) (P1.7)
5V 40 (VCC), 31 (EA/VPP)
GND 20 (GND)


After triple-checking the connections, it is time to flash the program to the microchip memory. The command will have the form:

avrdude \
-C PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE -c stk500v1 \
-P ARDUINO_PORT -p 89s52 -b 19200 \
-U flash:w:PATH_TO_HEX_FILE \

PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE is the path of the modified config file F40R96CIUSLFZFP.conf that we have downloaded. To find which port your Arduino is connected to, check it in the Arduino IDE or on a terminal enter ls /dev/cu.* to list all connected serial devices.

Make sure to check the output of this command; most importantly, it has to return the correct device signature. If it returns 0x0000, or Yikes! Invalid device signature., check your connections again. DO NOTuse -F to override this check.” After flashing the code, you can also verify it by changing the letter w(write) to v(verify) in the avrdude command.


Assuming c51asm points to the c51asm assembler, emu points to the 8051 emulator, PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE is the location of the modified F40R96CIUSLFZFP.conf file and PATH_TO_ARDUINO is the name of the serial port which the Arduino board is connected (something like /dev/cu.usbserial-A9OZNH9X in macOS), the following utility summarizes the workflow.


if [ "$1" == 'ass' ]; then
    c51asm $2.asm -l --target AT89S52
elif [ "$1" == 'sim' ]; then
    emu $2.hex
elif [ "$1" == 'prg' ]; then
    avrdude -C PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE -c stk500v1 -P `ARDUINO_PORT` -p 89s52 -b 19200 -U flash:w:$2.hex
    echo "asm v1.1 -- @mlg556
  asm (ass | sim | prg)
  ass           Assemble using as32
  sim           Simulate the assembled .hex
  prg           Write .hex to flash"